2014 |
Thursday 22 March |
09.30 - 18.00 VOGIN/IP lecture Amsterdam Boyd Hendriks leads the workshop "Kennismanagement update" |
Thursday - Friday 10 - 11 April |
ECIC, 6th European Conference on Intellectual Capital Trnava, Slovak Republic |
Monday - Thursday 5 - 8 May |
SCIP, 29th Annual International Conference & Exhibition Orlando, Florida |
Thursday - Friday 4 - 5 September |
ECKM, 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management Santarém, Portugal |
Thursday - Friday 11 - 12 September |
ECIME, 8th European Conference on Information Management & Evaluation Ghant, België |
Wednesday - Thursday 15 - 16 October |
SCIP, 5th Annual Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals Asia Pacific Summit Singapore |
Tuesday - Friday 21 - 24 October |
KMIS, International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing Rome, Italy |
Tuesday - Thursday 4 - 6 November |
SCIP, 19th Annual SCIP European Summit European Locale |